Blog Post

Welcome New Board Members!

  • By Natalie Hildt Treat
  • 09 Aug, 2018

Local women bring experience and talents to C-10

Cary Stratton Boyd, Elizabeth Rankin and Karen Clagett recently joined the C-10 board of directors.

Members of the C-10 board of directors are not your typical board members. They are deeply committed to the cause of ensuring the health and safety of the people and environment surrounding Seabrook Station. Many of them have been with us for decades. Yet it’s always exciting—and necessary—to bring in fresh energy and perspectives for our important work. This spring we welcomed three women to the board of directors, each of whom brings valuable skills and contributions to our organization.

Karen Clagett

“Having arrived in Newburyport in the 1970s, I have long been aware of Seabrook and of C-10,” said Karen Clagett, who recently retired from a career in education. “Initially, I contributed money to C-10 as much to support friends who were involved in the organization as to support the mission,” said Clagett, who has been involved with several local organizations, and is currently a volunteer with the Peabody Essex Museum and the Emma Andrews Library, and sits on the board of West Newbury Garden Club.

“Within the last year, however, as I worked more closely on a research project related to Seabrook’s degraded concrete, I fully realized the important work C-10 does helping to keep us safe, monitoring Seabrook, and educating local communities about crucial issues involving the Seabrook power plant and nuclear energy in general. I recently joined the C-10 Board committed to supporting its vital mission,” said Clagett.

Cary Stratton Boyd

Cary lives in Newbury and is co-owner with husband, Lew Boyd, of Newburyport-based Coastal 181, which publishes books on motorsports. One of original members of Citizens Within the 10-Mile Radius (a precursor to the C-10 Foundation) in the mid-1980s, Boyd worked on evacuation plans for Newbury and neighboring communities in case of an accident at Seabrook Station.

“I have spent the last 30 years or so building a business and raising a family and I am thrilled to be back involved with C-10 and its mission to protect our environment,” said Boyd. I am especially interested in C-10’s work to better understand and address the serious problem of Alkali-Silica Reaction in the concrete at Seabrook, particularly in the light of the facility’s pending license renewal application,” said Boyd.

Elizabeth Rankin

Also a Newburyport resident, Elizabeth spent much of her career with the Essex National Heritage Area, where she honed a variety of skills related to nonprofit management, design  and communications. Rankin has focused the last few years caring for her young son, and currently works part-time as membership and marketing assistant at the YWCA of Newburyport as well as volunteering with local groups including the Coastal Trails Coalition.

"I spent a lot of years trying not to think about Seabrook,” said Rankin. “But once I learned about C-10 and the important work they are doing for public safety, I decided to get involved as a volunteer.”  Before long, Rankin began to contribute to C-10 as a monthly sustainer, and ultimately, to join the board of directors where she serves as clerk.

We are so grateful for the time and talents that all our board members and volunteers give to C-10! If you are interested in talking with us about how you can get involved, please email

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