Blog Post

C-10 Open House a success!

  • By Mike Mansir
  • 27 Feb, 2020

We love our new home at CI Works in Amesbury

CI Works CFO Mark Friary, Amesbury Mayor Kassandra Gove, C-10 Executive Director Natalie Hildt Treat, and CI Works CEO Bob O'Brien gathered in the Innovation Cafe to celebrate C-10's new home.
On January 30, C-10 supporters as well as local and state officials came to help us celebrate our new home at CI Works - a collaborative work space that is home to an array of creative and entrepreneurial businesses, many in the clean energy sector.   We were honored to by joined by both longtime and new supporters, as well as Mayors Kassandra Gove and Donna Holaday (pictured), State Rep. James Kelcourse, State Rep. Peter Somssich, aides to Senators DiZoglio and Tarr.  We look forward to hosting more events in this terrific space, and welcome visitors who want to see the Citizens Radiological Monitoring Network in action.
C-10 Board President Pat Skibbee and Natalie Hildt Treat.
John Gibson, of Newbury, and Portsmouth State Rep. Peter Somssich, who is leading an effort to expand radiological monitoring in the state.
Newburyport Mayor Donna Holaday addressed the crowd and spoke about the importance of C-10's radiological monitoring and efforts related to oversight of Seabrook Station's concrete problems.
Mike Mansir, C-10's network administrator, and Carolyn Johnson, former board member.

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