Our Mission

C-10’s mission is to monitor Seabrook Station and to advocate for its safe operation in order to protect public health and the natural environment of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and beyond.

Radiation Monitoring

C-10 conducts real-time field monitoring of radiological emissions, wind speed, and wind direction in the communities surrounding Seabrook Station. We have provided this service under contract to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts since 1992.

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Education & Community Outreach

Online and at in-person events, we serve as an educational resource and engage in outreach to the public regarding Seabrook Station's health and safety concerns.

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Research & Advocacy for Nuclear Safety

We consider ourselves citizen experts on safety at Seabrook Station, and we advocate for upgraded safety and security at the plant. We hold elected and power plant officials accountable for nuclear safety above all else.

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Why do we monitor? Why should you care?

Please take a moment to learn about C-10, including why and how we monitor airborne radiation in the communities surrounding Seabrook Station nuclear power plant, a bit about the plant itself, and the ongoing and serious concerns regarding the failing concrete at Seabrook.

Check Out Our Blog

By C-10 Staff February 20, 2025
A recent earthquake shook Seabrook Station Nuclear Power Plant. With known concrete cracking issues, what is the outlook for nuclear safety at the plant?
By Christopher Nord, Amesbury, MA September 7, 2023
Tritium is a radioactive byproduct of nuclear fission, found in abundance in nuclear wastewater. The Cape Cod community wants to be safe from it, corporate industry and regulators want to dump into the air and water and forget it ever existed.
By Suzanne Worden, Journalist & C-10 Volunteer April 14, 2023
C-10 does not agree with the NRC's assertion that "everything is fine, nothing to see here" when it comes to Seabrook Station repeatedly failing inspections.
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Advocating  in the Public Interest.

"Complacency, cost-cutting, and competing crises often conspire to tempt agencies to let their guard down on nuclear safety matters. C-10 is a persistent force against distracting from the proper focus on nuclear safety."  
- Dave Lochbaum, Independent Nuclear Safety Expert

Contact Us

We need your support to help fund our monitoring, research, and advocacy. 
Join us today and take a stand for the safety of all who live and work near Seabrook Station.

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