Past Projects

The C-10 Research and Education Foundation (C-10) was established in 1991 to address the health and safety concerns related to the Seabrook Station nuclear power plant. C-10 is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization that was incorporated after the licensing of Seabrook Station.

Past projects & speakers include:
  • Comprehensive program of disease-monitoring and surveillance for the 23 communities within the ten-mile radius of the Seabrook Station reactor. This program was  funded and conducted by the Massachusetts Bureau of Environmental Health Assessment with in-kind services from the C-10 staff. This program tracks increases in certain types of ionizing cancers that may occur over time during the operation of the Seabrook Station reactor.
  • Sea life (mussel) study near the outfall of the Seabrook Station reactor. Partial funding for this study was provided by in-kind services and membership dues.
  • Working directly with science educators in surrounding schools and universities to provide objective and factual information about health effects of ionizing radiation, nuclear waste issues and alternative energy. 
  • Hosting public forums on topics such as nuclear plants and terrorism.
  • Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant Safety Alert – NRC Fails to Act on Critical Safety Violation. Guest speakers included Joe Hopenfeld, PhD. a former NRC Research Engineer, and Paul Gunter from the Nuclear Information & Resource Service (NIRS).
  • A Clean, Secure National Energy Policy. Guest speakers included Bill Moomaw, Senior Consultant for the National Energy Policy Initiative.
  • Evacuation Issues in an Age of Terrorism. Guest speakers included Paul Gunter, Nuclear Safety Watchdog Project from Nuclear Information Resource Services (NIRS).
  • Security at Seabrook Station. Guest speakers included Dr. Gordon Thompson, Executive Director of the Institute For Resource and Security Studies, and David Lochbaum, Nuclear Safety Engineer for the Union of Concerned Scientists. 
  • Confessions of a Rogue Nuclear Regulator:  lecture by Greg Jaczko, former Chairman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Sept. 2019.
  • Hearing of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board on C-10's Challenge to Seabrook Station's concrete testing and monitoring protocols, September 2019.

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